Plant Professionals Wed, 12 Jul 2023 22:16:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Plant Professionals 32 32 The Best Butterfly Attracting Plants For South Florida Tue, 25 Apr 2023 21:58:19 +0000 Creating a butterfly garden is a simple way to add some nature to your surroundings and bring joy to your day each time a butterfly flutters by. Not only will you attract butterflies, but also a variety of other amazing wildlife. South Florida, including Miami and the neighboring cities and suburbs of Dade and Broward […]

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Creating a butterfly garden is a simple way to add some nature to your surroundings and bring joy to your day each time a butterfly flutters by. Not only will you attract butterflies, but also a variety of other amazing wildlife. South Florida, including Miami and the neighboring cities and suburbs of Dade and Broward counties, is an ideal location to create a fully functional butterfly garden that thrives year-round. Caterpillars, which transform into butterflies, require specific types of host plants to feed on, and these plants grow exceptionally well in the sub-tropical planting zones of South Florida.


At Plant Professionals, we specialize in creating personalized outdoor living areas that cater to your individual preferences. Our team of experts can assist you in planning and designing a garden with a range of butterfly-attracting plants that are native to South Florida. We’ll take care of everything from installation to maintenance, ensuring that your outdoor space becomes a stunning butterfly paradise.


What are Butterfly-attracting Plants?

Butterfly-attracting plants are species of plants that have been shown to attract butterflies to your garden. These plants can be native or non-native to your area and usually have nectar-rich flowers that provide a source of food for adult butterflies. Additionally, certain plants also serve as hostplants for butterfly larvae or caterpillars, providing a food source for their growth and development.


Benefits of Butterfly-attracting Plants in Your South Florida Yard

Adding butterfly-attracting plants to your outdoor space can bring a wealth of benefits beyond just their beauty. Here are a few reasons why you should consider planting them in your garden:


  • Environmental benefits: Butterfly-attracting plants provide a natural habitat for these beautiful creatures, helping to promote biodiversity in your area.
  • Educational opportunities: Butterfly gardens can be a great learning tool for kids and adults alike, teaching them about pollinators’ importance and their role in our ecosystem.
  • Low maintenance: Many butterfly-attracting plants require minimal maintenance, making them a great choice for those who want a beautiful garden without a lot of upkeep.
  • Health benefits: Spending time outdoors surrounded by nature has been shown to have numerous mental and physical health benefits, including stress reduction and improved mood.
  • Aesthetic appeal: Butterfly-attracting plants come in a variety of colors and sizes, making them a beautiful addition to any outdoor space.


The Best Plants for Butterflies in South Florida

South Florida is home to a diverse range of butterfly species, and planting butterfly-attracting plants can help bring these beautiful creatures to your outdoor space. Here are some of the best butterfly-attracting plants for South Florida:


Milkweed (Asclepias spp.)

bright orange milkweed flowers

Milkweed is a crucial plant for any butterfly garden, particularly for the monarch butterfly. The plant’s leaves are the sole food source for the monarch butterfly larvae, making it a vital host plant for this species. Milkweed has large, showy clusters of flowers that come in a variety of colors, including pink, orange, and white. These flowers are a rich source of nectar for adult butterflies and other pollinators. Additionally, milkweed contains cardiac glycosides, which are toxic to most animals and serve as a defense mechanism against herbivores. While not all species of milkweed are native to Florida, they require low maintenance and are easy to grow, making them an excellent choice for any South Florida garden.


Dwarf Firebush (Hamelia patens var. glabra)

bright red firebush tree with green leaves

The Dwarf Firebush is highly recommended for attracting butterflies. This Florida-native plant produces bright orange-red flowers that bloom year-round, providing a reliable nectar source for many butterfly species. Additionally, the Dwarf Firebush is a host plant for the larvae of the White Peacock and the Banded Peacock butterflies, making it an essential part of their life cycle. This shrub is easy to care for and grows well in a variety of soil types, making it an excellent addition to any Florida garden looking to attract and support local butterfly populations.


Lantana (Lantana camara)

a group of lantana flowers with a butterfly sitting on them

Lantana is a versatile and attractive flowering plant that is commonly found in South Florida gardens. It comes in a variety of colors, including pink, yellow, orange, and purple, and its small flowers bloom in clusters throughout the year. Lantana is a great choice for butterfly gardens, as its nectar-rich flowers attract a wide range of butterflies and other pollinators. The plant is also low maintenance and drought tolerant, making it a popular choice for landscaping. However, it is important to note that some species of lantana can be invasive in certain areas, so it is important to choose the right variety for your location.


Passionflower (Passiflora spp.)

two purple passion flowers

Passionflower is a unique and fascinating plant that is a favorite of many butterfly enthusiasts in South Florida. The plant’s intricate, exotic flowers are typically purple or blue, with a striking, fringed corona in the center. These flowers are a favorite of many butterfly species. Passionflower is a vine that can grow up to 20 feet long, making it a great choice for trellises and fences. The plant prefers full sun to partial shade and well-draining soil and can be propagated from cuttings or seeds.


Pentas (Pentas lanceolata)

beautiful natural bouquet of pink pentas flowers

Pentas is a showy, low-maintenance plant that is a must-have for any butterfly garden in South Florida. The plant features clusters of star-shaped flowers in shades of red, pink, white, and lavender, which bloom continuously from spring until fall. These flowers are a magnet for butterflies, including the monarch, queen, and swallowtail. Pentas is a hardy plant that thrives in full sun and well-draining soil and is drought-tolerant once established. It is also resistant to pests and diseases, making it a great choice for gardeners looking for a hassle-free butterfly attractor. Pentas can be propagated from cuttings or seeds and is a great choice for borders, containers, and mass plantings.


Firespike (Odontonema strictum)

a green bush with long red flowers coming out called firespike

Firespike, also known as Cardinal Guard, is a stunning and highly attractive plant for butterflies, hummingbirds, and other pollinators. This plant produces beautiful, showy spikes of bright red tubular flowers that bloom in late summer through the fall, providing a valuable nectar source for butterflies and other wildlife during a time of year when many other plants have stopped blooming. Firespike is a tropical evergreen shrub that can grow up to 6 feet tall, making it a great option for adding height and structure to your garden. It thrives in partial shade to full sun and is well-suited for South Florida’s subtropical climate.


How Plant Professionals Can Help You with Butterfly-attracting Plants in Your Yard

Plant Professionals is a one-stop shop for all your landscaping needs, including the incorporation of butterfly-attracting plants in your outdoor space. Our team of professionals can help you design and install a beautiful butterfly garden that attracts a wide range of butterfly species to your property. We specialize in creating customized landscape plans that incorporate the best butterfly-attracting plants for South Florida, including Milkweed, Firebush, Lantana, Passionflower, and Pentas, among many others. We use sustainable landscaping practices and can create a garden that not only attracts butterflies but also supports other wildlife, such as birds and bees. 


Contact the South Florida Plant Professionals Today!

Don’t wait to transform your outdoor space into a beautiful butterfly haven. Contact Plant Professionals today to schedule a consultation and start planning your dream butterfly garden. Our team of experts will work with you to design and build the perfect landscaped yard that is friendly and helpful to native butterflies in South Florida.



Image Credit:  Matee Nuserm, Chase D’animulls, Phil Darby, Barbara Ash,  oraziopuccio, shihina,  demamiel62 / Shutterstock

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Front Yard Landscaping: Different Pathway Ideas Thu, 02 Feb 2023 17:52:54 +0000 One of the finishing touches that can make a house a home is attractive landscaping. Not only does it up the curb appeal, but landscaping also adds character and interest to your home. An easy way to instantly add style and personality to your house is to install landscape pathways. What’s great about pathways is […]

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One of the finishing touches that can make a house a home is attractive landscaping. Not only does it up the curb appeal, but landscaping also adds character and interest to your home. An easy way to instantly add style and personality to your house is to install landscape pathways.

What’s great about pathways is that they fuse character and function together. A well-designed pathway can be arranged in a myriad of different styles depending on your personal aesthetic, material choice, and budget. Here are some ideas to turn your front yard into a masterpiece.


Interesting Pathway Designs

The possibilities are endless when designing pathways. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Stepping Stones: Stepping stones give your path a whimsical feel. This design looks fantastic in a garden setting. You can even do stepping stone stairs if your front yard is on a hill or incline.
  • Mosaic: With a mosaic design, you can use different stones and materials to create intricate designs. Concrete etching or flagstones can create this effect.
  • Secret Paths: Whatever shape or material you decide on, let the vegetation next to your path grow tall. This makes your path look natural, wild, and slightly hidden, perfect for those who love to garden.
  • Patterns: Patterns are a surefire way to add character to your path. Use bricks to create zig-zags. Stones spaced with gravel or grass for geometric patterns is also an attractive look.
  • Framed Paths: This versatile design frames your pathway, no matter what material you choose. If you use brick, use a different color brick on the borders. Create a brick or stone frame for stepping stones. You can also frame paths with water or vegetation.

Making Decisions

Before you begin any landscape pathways projects, there are a few decisions you’ll need to make. First off, any designs you may be considering should complement the style of your home. A Mediterranean style walkway leading to an English cottage might clash.

  • Think about your needs such as accessibility and cost constraints. Some other things to consider include:
  • What kind of material are you interested in?
  • Do you want your pathway to have lighting?
  • Will you have a solid pathway?
  • Will your pathway be straight or curved?

Choosing Your Materials

Your materials will be determined by your budget, design specifications, and personal aesthetic. For example, if you need to have your pathway solid to help people easily access your front door, concrete may be the way to go. The concrete walkway cost is typically between $6 to $12 per square foot but can be more if you get an elaborate decorative finish.

Flagstone is another option particularly if you want a patchwork or stepping stone design. The flagstone walkway cost is a bit more than concrete. You’re looking at anywhere between $15 to $20 per square foot.

While concrete and flagstone are arguably the most popular materials, gravel and brick are other popular options. Whatever material you end up going with, make sure before you buy that your material fits in with the rest of your home’s landscape aesthetic.


Decorative Flourishes

Once you have the shape of your pathway configured, add some flourishes that make the walkway uniquely yours. Some of the best little touches you can add include:

  • Etching
  • Stamping
  • Staining
  • Slip-resistant finishing

Get an Estimate for Your Walkway in

If you’re interested in adding landscape pathways to your property, get in touch with Plant Professionals. We are experts in both residential and commercial landscape design and can work with you to craft the pathway of your dreams. Contact us today to discuss your project and get a free estimate.



Image: Shutterstock

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How to Create a Tropical Paradise in Your Own Yard Thu, 02 Feb 2023 17:03:35 +0000 It’s hard not to exhale and smile when you see pictures of beautiful tropical locations. You can practically feel the ocean breeze in your hair and smell the exotic flowers. What if you could recreate this same feeling in your backyard? Picture walking out of your door and into your own lush, colorful tropical oasis. […]

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It’s hard not to exhale and smile when you see pictures of beautiful tropical locations. You can practically feel the ocean breeze in your hair and smell the exotic flowers. What if you could recreate this same feeling in your backyard?

Picture walking out of your door and into your own lush, colorful tropical oasis. With a little imagination and planning, the tropical landscaping of your dreams can become a reality.



No tropical oasis is complete without a palm tree. Think variety: plant larger coconut palms to anchor your outdoor landscape and use the smaller sago palms or fan palms interspersed in pots or under more significant plantings.

Consider putting a hammock between two coconut palms for a relaxing place to read a book or nap through a lazy afternoon. Echo the look with an umbrella made from palm fronds for a tiki hut vibe while sipping on a frosty drink.


Flowering Vines

The options for flowering vines are endless. Vibrant color and intoxicating bouquets can drape arbors and hide fences. Bougainvillea, Mandevilla, Jasmine, Honeysuckle and tropical clematis can all coexist in exotic splendor.

These trailing and climbing vines add dimension and interest while providing hummingbirds and butterflies a constant source of food. Plant them on a pergola to create a shady retreat or a hidden grotto over a hot tub or pool.



To achieve an authentic tropical ambiance, layering green plants of different textures and sizes is vital. Boston fern, asparagus fern, Dallas fern, and Australian tree fern all can be planted in the ground or hanging baskets and provide a perfect offset for the riot of color from the flowering plants.

They give a lacey and airy look when planted alongside walkways and under trees. Try putting some smaller specimens in pots on a bamboo dining table.


Tropical Shrubs

Gardenia, confederate jasmine, hibiscus, plumbago, and bird of paradise are just a few examples of flowering shrubs that have glorious color, ambrosial fragrance, and beautiful foliage. Plumbago adds a rare and unexpected blue flower to the landscape, while hibiscus comes in a variety of colors from white to yellow to bright reds and pinks.

Plant them in the ground or put in pots around features like pools or fountains to double the effect when reflected in the water. Bamboo, while technically a grass, is a hedge-like, quick-growing plant that is perfect to use for creating privacy as it grows tall and thick.


Large Leaf Plants

Jumbo elephant ears, split-leaf philodendrons, umbrella plants, and colocasia are all perfect for creating visual interest and dimension. The umbrella plant, also called Indian rhubarb, has leaves that can grow up to 2 feet wide and they grow in after the spikes of pink flowers that bloom first.

Elephant ears are instantly recognizable in a tropical landscape and make a perfect backdrop for blooming plants. Cannas are tall, bloom gorgeous flowers and have banana tree-like leaves.


Colorful Foliage

Add another layer of color and variety to your landscape by mixing in plants with brightly hued leaves. Bromeliads have beautiful green and white leaves that are tipped in bright pink. Coleus and caladiums have variegated leaves in combinations from green and white with bright pink to deep burgundy and dark green.

Mix them into beds among ferns for show-stopping interest or let them shine on their own in planters. Planters provide the option to bring some of the tropics indoors, as well.

When you are ready to turn your yard into a tropical paradise, Plant Professionals are the tropical landscape experts that can help you bring your dreams to life. Contact Plant Professionals today to find out their full range of products and services to get you started on your backyard oasis.


Image Credit: Shutterstock/hkhtt hj


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The Best Trees and Shrubs for Privacy Screening Wed, 01 Feb 2023 22:11:23 +0000 In this day and age, most people do not welcome disturbances in their outside space. If installing a fence is not an option, consider planting trees and shrubs to give your yard lots of solitude and the landscape design you desire. It does not matter whether you have nosy neighbors or want to add a […]

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In this day and age, most people do not welcome disturbances in their outside space. If installing a fence is not an option, consider planting trees and shrubs to give your yard lots of solitude and the landscape design you desire. It does not matter whether you have nosy neighbors or want to add a little seclusion to your landscape; there are a variety of shrubs and privacy trees for Florida landscapes to choose from.

Continue reading to discover some of the best trees and shrubs used for privacy screening in Miami-Dade, Broward, Monroe, and Palm Beach counties.


Advantages of a Natural Privacy Screen

There are some advantages to employing natural privacy trees for Florida backyards, including:

  • Natural privacy screens require little upkeep; most need only an occasional trim, while others flourish at their rate.
  • The lush evergreen foliage provides a dense hedge that often conceals the annoying wind and sound, making spending time outdoors more enjoyable.
  • Selecting the ideal trees and plants may provide habitat and pollen for local species such as birds and butterflies.

Trees for a Natural Privacy Screen

Most privacy trees native to Florida landscapes will flourish in Miami-Dade, Broward, Monroe, and Palm Beach counties. They include:


Wax Myrtle

Wax myrtles are an excellent choice for privacy trees for the Florida yard. Although it can reach a height of 20 feet with careful trimming, Wax Myrtle grows well as a shrub in the 10 to 20-foot- range. Birds and the red-banded hairstreak butterfly like the wax myrtle’s fruit, especially in the winter.



American Arborvitae

There are numerous species, including Eastern white cedar and Thuja occidentalis, ranging in size from miniature to huge. While cedar can reach heights of 40 to 60 feet, ornamental arborvitae can reach heights of up to 15 feet, making it preferable for hedges.



Willow Hybrid Trees

The willow hybrid tree is regarded as the fastest-growing tree for shade and privacy. They can reach 35–40 feet by growing more than 10 feet yearly. Additionally, they are resilient and thrive in a range of soil conditions. Even though they do not remain evergreen throughout the winter, they will have enough on their branches to keep your privacy.



Walter Viburnum

Walter Viburnum makes excellent hedges and matures well into a shrub or small tree. It has the benefit of blooming in the spring with tiny white flowers that attract butterflies. Birds are drawn to the plant’s fruit in the fall. It also attracts cardinals and songbirds.




Although most people imagine boxwood to be a deep green plant, it also comes in lovely white variegated and gold forms. Common boxwood, which may reach heights of 6 to 8 feet, develops dense foliage with dark green leaves frequently used in topiaries. With fragrant leaves, little leaf boxwood is a popular evergreen for lower hedges.



Sweet Viburnum and Podocarpus

Sweet viburnum is a choice for hedges because it creates a dense screen that can be pruned into a tree. It also expands rapidly. Many people like to adopt a “step-down” strategy, where the Podocarpus in the front is clipped shorter, and the sweet viburnum in the back grows larger. The Podocarpus is frequently used to create a box or topiary hedges because it is simple to shape.



Bamboo Palm

These palms grow in dense clusters, creating a lush and natural barrier that effectively blocks out unwanted views and noise. They also have a fast growth rate, making them an ideal option for quick and efficient screening solutions. Additionally, bamboo palms are low maintenance, requiring minimal pruning and watering. 

They are also resilient to pests and diseases, making them a reliable option for long-term privacy screening. Overall, bamboo palms offer a beautiful and functional solution for those looking to add privacy and beauty to their South Florida landscape.


backyard featuring bamboo palm

Bald Cypress

The unique bald cypress looks like an evergreen but is a deciduous tree with a brilliant orange hue in the autumn. These stately trees are fluffy and elegant, making them great privacy trees. They are also remarkably sturdy and durable in a wide range of weather, so it will take very little tending to grow yourself an excellent property line. 

As you might guess from the name, the bald cypress loses its leaves in the winter but still provides a lovely interruption to the line of sight with a network of branches after the needle-like leaves change color and drop. This transition makes the bald cypress a beautiful privacy tree for Florida.


park with a lake and picnic table featuring bald cypress

Southern Red Cedar Tree

The Southern Red Cedar tree is a great choice for privacy screening in South Florida. It has a tall and slender appearance, with dense foliage that provides excellent coverage. It’s also low maintenance, needing minimal pruning, and can tolerate hot and humid weather. This hardy tree can grow in various soil types and is drought-resistant, making it perfect for Florida’s sandy soil and summers. 

Additionally, the tree’s unique reddish-brown bark adds an attractive aesthetic to any landscape. If you’re looking for an easy-to-care-for, attractive, and reliable privacy screening solution in South Florida, the Southern Red Cedar is an excellent choice.


blue skies featuring a tall cedar tree

White Bird of Paradise

The White Bird of Paradise is a popular choice for privacy screening in South Florida due to its large size, unique appearance, and ability to thrive in hot and humid conditions. The tree’s foliage features large, paddle-shaped leaves that create a tropical feel, while its height can reach up to 30 feet, providing excellent privacy coverage. 

The White Bird of Paradise is also relatively low maintenance, requiring minimal pruning, and can tolerate drought conditions, making it an ideal option for Florida’s climate. Additionally, this tree produces beautiful white and blue flowers that add a striking visual appeal to any landscape. Overall, the White Bird of Paradise is an excellent choice for those seeking a stunning and effective privacy screening solution in South Florida.


White Bird of Paradise in Florida


Bougainvillea is a great shrub for privacy screening in South Florida because of its low maintenance needs, vibrant colors, and fast growth rate. Its beautiful pink, red, orange, and purple flowers add a stunning aesthetic to any landscape while growing up to 30 feet tall, providing great coverage. The plant is hardy and can thrive in Florida’s hot and dry weather, making it perfect for those looking for a low-maintenance screening option. Additionally, pruning is only required occasionally to keep the plant in good shape. 


bougainvillea in florida

Brazilian Red Cloak

If you’re looking for a visually appealing and low-maintenance privacy screening solution in South Florida, the Brazilian Red Cloak is an excellent option. This shrub produces beautiful red bell-shaped flowers all year round, making it a unique and stunning addition to any landscape. 

The Brazilian Red Cloak can grow up to 15 feet tall, providing ample coverage and privacy, while its dense foliage offers excellent screening. It’s also a hardy plant that can withstand Florida’s hot and humid conditions and requires minimal pruning, making it easy to maintain.


brazilian red cloak in florida

Contact the Florida Plant Professionals for a Free Estimate Today!

Natural privacy screens are an excellent addition to landscaping projects, from trees to shrubs. They provide other benefits to landscaping and can be customized to match your privacy tree Florida theme.

Plant Professionals is a full-service landscaping company that offers a variety of services under one roof. We help you choose the best trees and shrubs to create the best privacy screen in Miami-Dade, Broward, Monroe, and Palm Beach counties. Contact us to learn more about our services, and feel free to request an estimate today!


Image credit to Shutterstock users: Y_Hirosan, Pryimachuk Mariana, Nature’s Charm, Sunshower Shots, P A, zzz555zzz, Laurence Berger, Trong Nguyen, Luca love photo, Designtravel, quan_tum and Sunshower Shots

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Best Plant Choices for Vertical Gardens Tue, 31 Jan 2023 23:51:56 +0000 Whether you are short on space or simply want to add an interesting feature to your landscape, a vertical garden looks fantastic. Just as the garden reaches for the sky, this landscape design idea will lift your spirits along with it. If you fondly remember the tale of Jack’s beanstalk from your childhood, you most certainly […]

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Whether you are short on space or simply want to add an interesting feature to your landscape, a vertical garden looks fantastic. Just as the garden reaches for the sky, this landscape design idea will lift your spirits along with it.

If you fondly remember the tale of Jack’s beanstalk from your childhood, you most certainly will want to consider these fantastic additions to your vertical wall garden in South Florida.

  • Aeschynanthus Radicans – Ideally suited for Florida’s warm and humid climate, the “lipstick plant” will give your vertical garden a kiss of color. It is a beautiful addition that requires little more than moist soil and sunlight to stay healthy.
  • Nephrolepis Exaltata – This simple fern creates a nice foundation for any vertical garden. It loves humidity and helps keep the garden cool as it reaches for the heavens.
  • Hoya Carnosa – The Hoya Carnosa is a plant that’s open to suggestions and directions. It is easily convinced to grow wherever you want. This makes it easy to intertwine the plant within the garden as it grows, and the plant’s white flowers provide a nice touch of contrast to the green shades of the vertical garden.
  • Stephanotis Floribunda – Big and billowing, the “Wedding Vine” is a landscape design idea well-suited for creating a bit of privacy. It easily attaches itself to fencing, walls, and other structures. As it grows, it creates a fantastic fragrance that can help you rest and relax behind a living privacy screen.

Adding Edibles to the Vertical Garden

Beauty is best when it can be tasted and savored. There are many savory choices you can include in a vertical garden that look great and taste fantastic.

If your garden has plenty of sunlight, consider adding aloe vera, sage, cherry tomatoes, or spinach. These crops do fantastic in Florida’s climate.

If you have partial shade, consider lettuce, radish, chives, parsley, or basil. Similarly, if the vertical garden is under full shade, sprinkle in some watercress, lemon balm, violets, or mint. Each will emit a fragrant and appealing aroma that will make your garden the most comfortable place of peaceful rest and relaxation on your property.

Plant Professionals

The team at Plant Professionals is ready to rise to the occasion and help you create the vertical garden of your dreams in South Florida. We invite you to contact us at 305-259-0503 when you are ready to get growing.



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Modern Landscaping Ideas Fri, 27 Jan 2023 00:53:15 +0000 If your landscape is looking a bit dated, you will want to take a look at these modern landscaping ideas for your front yard. Each of these ideas and designs is easy to install and will give your property a bit of modern flair to match the fresh air blowing across the Sunshine State.    Go […]

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If your landscape is looking a bit dated, you will want to take a look at these modern landscaping ideas for your front yard. Each of these ideas and designs is easy to install and will give your property a bit of modern flair to match the fresh air blowing across the Sunshine State. 


Go Natural with Stone


Modernize Your Landscape - Flagstone Pathway

Beautiful Natural Stone Pathways

Natural stone pavers and flagstones are some of this year’s most modern front yard landscaping ideas. Pavers come in a wide range of shapes, sizes, and colors, which make it easy to blend them into the landscape to create a seamless pathway into your home.


Illuminate the Garden


Modernize Your Landscape - Garden Lighting

Illuminated Gardens

A few strands of hanging cafe lights or inexpensive paper lanterns will garner your garden a glowing review during your next evening gathering. It also makes it easy to tend to the garden during the cooler evening hours. While you are at it, don’t forget to install some path lighting so that you can find your way without traipsing all over the daisies.    


Install a Water Feature


Modernize Your Landscape - Backyard Waterfall

Stunning Backyard Waterfall

Flowing water creates a comfortable and relaxing ambiance, and there is no better place to set the mood than the front patio. Installing a small fountain, a gently flowing waterfall, or a peaceful pond by the door is a modern front yard landscaping idea that is sure to bring peace and relaxation to everyone who enters your home.


Repurpose Existing Features


Modernize Your Landscape - Pallet Furniture

Repurposed Wood Pallet Furniture

Do you have some old pallets lying around, or can’t figure out what to do with that old ladder? Stand them against the fence or a wall and turn them into vertical planting systems. This is a popular way to grow herb gardens and create an aromatic ambiance that will waft throughout the backyard landscape all year long. 


Set the Nights on Fire


Modernize Your Landscape - Backyard Fireplace

Warm & Cozy Backyard Fireplace

Installing an outdoor fireplace or fire pit is one of the hottest modern backyard landscaping ideas in the country. The glowing flames and warm embers create a comfortable and relaxing place to rest and entertain guests when the sun goes down.


Build a Pergola


Modernize Your Landscape - Pergola

Relaxing Lounge Area Under Pergola

Pergolas provide shade and a cool place to rest beneath the summer sun. They also provide a structure that climbing vines can cling to and provide a beautiful natural cover for your patio as each season passes and they keep growing.

We invite you to contact Plant Professionals at 786-574-6872 to discover just how easy it is to include these modern front yard landscaping ideas and modern backyard landscaping ideas into your property. We will be happy to answer your questions and tell you how our services are helping homeowners throughout Miami, FL, bring their landscapes into the 21st century. 

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7 Steps for a Realistic Landscape Design Budget Wed, 25 Jan 2023 00:56:23 +0000 Beautiful landscape design increases the value of your home, boosts your curb appeal, and extends your usable living space to the outdoors, making your yard an ideal spot to relax and entertain. The American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) suggests starting with a budget of 5 to 10 percent of your home’s value when you […]

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Beautiful landscape design increases the value of your home, boosts your curb appeal, and extends your usable living space to the outdoors, making your yard an ideal spot to relax and entertain. The American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) suggests starting with a budget of 5 to 10 percent of your home’s value when you begin to plan your landscape. Here’s what you need to know to make the most of those dollars.

1. Seek Inspiration

Maybe you already have a Pinterest page full of pictures of your perfect outdoor living space. If not, that’s OK. Browse design magazines and save images that speak to you. Although you may not be able to replicate the exact look in your yard, it will help you begin to narrow down the almost endless options.

Chat with neighbors who have yards you admire. Find out what plants have worked well for them in your soil and climate. A professional landscaper can also provide advice about choosing the best native plants.

Consider what you want most from your landscape: beauty, tranquility, security, recreation? These factors will all play a role in creating the master plan for your yard.

2. Analyze Your Property

First, walk through your property and take a comprehensive inventory of the work that needs to be done. Note areas where you’ll need hardscaping materials, empty spots to be filled, and existing plants that can work if pruned, thinned or relocated. If the work is extensive, list the items in your inventory in order of priority.

Repurposing existing landscape elements and materials is an excellent way to stretch your landscape budget. Think outside the box and brainstorm strategies to spruce up flower beds and features that need some TLC.

Keep in mind that you’ll need to be flexible. While ideally most of the landscape budget could be earmarked for fun items, chances are that you’ll need to dedicate at least some of the money to structural updates like pruning and irrigation. Identify these potentially problematic items ahead of time so you won’t be surprised midway through the project. You should also add a buffer of 5 to 10 percent of your total budget amount to fund unexpected expenses.

3. Make a Wish List

Now that you have a list of items that need to be fixed, you should also think of one or two key features that will improve your quality of life. This could be an outdoor barbecue, a gorgeous flower garden with a sitting area, or a patio with an awning for pool parties. You likely don’t have the budget to splurge on all three, so decide which marquee item your family will get the most use out of and add it to your budget.

More isn’t necessarily better when it comes to landscaping, especially if you have a small yard. Plan on just one or two show-stopping features, since crowding your lawn will reduce the impact of your landscaping efforts.

4. Check it Twice

Maybe you think your landscape inventory is complete, but double check by making sure you’ve accounted for the following items:

  • Regular lawn servicing and maintenance
  • Installation of irrigation features
  • Tree pruning and limb removal
  • Excavation, grading, and sloping
  • New shrubs, trees, and plants
  • Mulch or dirt
  • Water features such as pools or ponds
  • Hardscaping, which includes arbors, pathways, and patios
  • Retaining walls or fences
  • Vegetable or flower gardens
  • Exterior lighting
  • Integrated seating
  • Firepits and outdoor kitchens


5. Develop a Timeline

When deciding how much to spend on landscaping services, think about how long you plan to live in the home. If you’ll be there for years to come, you may want to make a multi-phase plan that allows you to upgrade the outdoor space over time. Homeowners on a tight budget can undoubtedly have the landscape they’ve always wanted if they take steps to get there each year.

6. Consider Return on Investment

Balance the cost of ongoing maintenance with the value and beauty the new landscape will add to your property. If you choose a high-maintenance feature such as a pond, you’ll need to factor those costs into your budget. In general, about 65 percent of the budget should be spent on the backyard and 35 percent on the front yard.  The ASLA estimates that a comprehensive outdoor upgrade can increase your home’s value by 15 percent, while House Logic places the number at 28 percent.

7. Seek Professional Advice

Once you have a general idea of what you want, it’s important to find a professional landscaper that can help make your vision a reality. Our landscape company serves homeowners throughout southern Florida from our convenient location in Homestead and designs landscapes ranging from tiny gardens to grand estates. We’ll help you choose plants that grow well together, map a complete plan for your landscape, and check in with you every step of the way. Call us at 786-574-6872 for your free estimate.

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Landscaping Ideas for Increased Privacy Sat, 21 Jan 2023 23:54:36 +0000 You deserve a backyard oasis away from neighbors’ curious eyes or the city’s hustle and bustle. Find out how to turn a backyard living area into an intimate outdoor experience with privacy landscaping by Plant Professionals. Find out how our team has transformed backyards and front yards across South Florida into comfortable, elegant areas with […]

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You deserve a backyard oasis away from neighbors’ curious eyes or the city’s hustle and bustle. Find out how to turn a backyard living area into an intimate outdoor experience with privacy landscaping by Plant Professionals. Find out how our team has transformed backyards and front yards across South Florida into comfortable, elegant areas with maximum privacy and unforgettable views.

Privacy is an essential feature in backyard and curbside designs. Backyard privacy allows you and your guests to relish in late-night conversations around a fire, patio table, or outdoor kitchen. Front yard privacy will enable you to pull back your curtains and enjoy plenty of natural light in your home without compromising your privacy.

Curtain Screens

You use curtains for privacy inside your home, so we can take the same design theme and interpret it into an outdoor landscaping design. Work with us to create an outdoor area that utilizes curtains to create the privacy you need.

Curtains add a soft element to your landscape design. Whether you already have an existing pergola or patio wall or need our expert installation team to construct this element, curtains are a cozy way to keep your outdoor seating or eating area private.

Green Privacy Walls

Enjoy elevated espalier designs for a green wall, both in color and environmentalism. We can craft a living wall that matches your existing plant designs for a refreshing wall that blends seamlessly with your surrounding landscape. Our maintenance team can continue to sculpt your green wall to prevent it from becoming an overgrown hedge.

Raised Terrace

A privacy fence can often feel like a large, obtrusive object in your field of view. Mask a privacy fence with a raised terrace design. By integrating a raised platform into the walls’ framework, a raised terrace gives you the necessary height of a privacy fence without the bland, uninviting look. Modern landscapes require unique alternatives to traditional privacy fences, and Plant Professionals have the features you need.

Exclusive Deck

Adjust the levels of your outdoor oasis to make the most of your privacy. Whether you’re using hedges, fencing, or curtains, you’re in control of your privacy strategy’s height. Take advantage of this flexibility by raising a deck and other features for visual interest and a unique feel.

A raised deck is a perfect opportunity to create a lofty, open feel for your seating area. Gather around a fire table, television, or fireplace for late-night conversations in complete privacy.

Elevated Trellis Designs

A trellis is a classic option for creating privacy. At Plant Professionals, we create unique options that transform existing designs. Elevate your trellis with hanging vines. A fast-growing vine can quickly expand to cover your trellis or arbor with a luscious green screen. If you’re already utilizing hanging vines in your landscape design, this allows your trellis to blend seamlessly into your existing outdoor design. We can also redesign your entire yard and use your new trellis as the focal point.

Request a Landscape Consultation With Plant Professionals

From hedge maintenance to one-of-a-kind landscape designs, turn to Plant Professionals for all of your landscaping for privacy needs. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with an expert designer in South Florida. We create stunning displays in your front yard and intimate features in your backyard to enhance your curb appeal, update your outdoor living area, and keep your home feeling exclusive, comfortable, and private.


Featured Image: Shutterstock / Romakoma


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Flowers that Bloom Year-Round in Florida Mon, 16 Jan 2023 22:28:03 +0000 Create an outdoor oasis full of beauty with this South Florida plant guide. Discover how our specialist team at Plant Professionals can keep your outdoor space full of blooming flowers all year round. Mexican Heather Introduce year-round blooms of white, red, or purple with this dense, compact shrub. A blanket of dark green foliage creates […]

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Create an outdoor oasis full of beauty with this South Florida plant guide. Discover how our specialist team at Plant Professionals can keep your outdoor space full of blooming flowers all year round.

Mexican Heather

Introduce year-round blooms of white, red, or purple with this dense, compact shrub. A blanket of dark green foliage creates a great backdrop that grows best in well-drained soil with full sun to partial shade.


Another iconic South Florida plant is the hibiscus. Tropical notes and a stunning variety of colors and bloom shapes help create an eye-catching addition to any property. These shrubs can grow up to 15 feet tall, so be sure you have plenty of space in full to partial sun.


Once planted, a lantana plant is incredibly easy to grow and bloom all year. This study plant products’ colors ranging from pink and cream to lavender and red. It can be grown in areas typically affected by heat, salt, or drought.

Blanket Flower

Give your garden a native wildflower addition with a blanket flower. Short daisy-like flowers add a pop of rose, scarlet, orange, or yellow coloring to your home.


A soft, appealing tone to otherwise busy garden flowers, the plumbago shrub blooms sky blue in 6-inch clusters. Choose well-drained acidic soil conditions in full sun to get the most out of this striking addition to your garden or landscaping in South Florida.


This powerful periwinkle stays close to the ground as it coats it with evergreen leaves and blue-violet flowers. Choose a shady location, like under a mature tree, to get the most out of the large blanketing properties of Vinca.


Penta gets its name from the iconic star shape of its flowers. A popular option for hummingbird or butterfly gardens, the Penta can grow to be 3 feet tall. It easily dazzles guests with a range of red, pink, and purple hues.

Blue Daze

Consider this drought-resistant plant as a border plant or add a ground cover to your landscape. It thrives in well-drained soil and partial shade or full sun. Once it blooms, this eye-catching option creates a number of blue flowers in a soft backdrop.


Choose firespike to make the most of South Florida temperatures. A year-round bloom of stunning foot-long panicles and tubular red flowers give firespike its name. It’s another popular plant for hummingbird and butterfly gardens. Choose a full sun or partial shade area to plant this salt- and drought-resistant plant.


While typically known as an annual, the warm temperatures and consistent sun of South Florida allows the Gerbera to grow as a perennial in your local area. Robust flowers of white, yellow, red, pink, and purple can form leaves as long as 12 inches.


Grow these 2-to-5-inch flower clusters in your garden to see why it’s commonly called jungle flame. Ixora works well as a hedge, due to the average height of 4 to 6 feet. Choose an area of acidic soil and be sure to keep it well watered to add a brilliant touch to your landscape.

Enjoy a Year-Round Outdoor Beauty With Plant Professionals

Make the most of year-round warmth in South Florida with these flowers that bloom in winter. Contact us to learn more about year-round blooming opportunities from our professional design team at Plant Professionals.

Featured Image: TheLazyPineapple / Shutterstock

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10 Modern Ideas for Interior Plant Design Sun, 15 Jan 2023 22:26:37 +0000 Homeowners and businesses have long used interior plant design to make their spaces inviting for residents, employees and visitors. From improved air quality to a visually greener space, incorporating plants into an interior design scheme is one of the smartest things many people forget to do. When it comes to indoor plants though, some home […]

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Homeowners and businesses have long used interior plant design to make their spaces inviting for residents, employees and visitors. From improved air quality to a visually greener space, incorporating plants into an interior design scheme is one of the smartest things many people forget to do.

When it comes to indoor plants though, some home and business owners have a tendency to think they’re old-fashioned. The fact is that unique planters, decorative plant containers and even indoor plant arrangements can make any space feel more modern.

Homeowners and business owners can use these fresh ideas on how to handle indoor plant design and maintenance in creating a comfortable, modern environment.

Residential Spaces

Interior plant design in residential spaces makes a home more inviting and comfortable to tenants and visitors alike. From tried-and-true plants like ferns, to more complex ideas like indoor trees, indoor plant décor for modern homes allows for many different configurations.

Hanging Plants

Hanging plant display racks are often ideal for smaller residential spaces since hanging plants don’t take up extra floor space. Where to put these racks isn’t always easy to determine though.

In many cases, hanging plants work best in the corner of the room to draw the eye toward the edges of a space, giving the illusion of more visual width and depth. There are multiple ways to hang plants in a modern style.

Standard display racks work well, but more and more designers are choosing to float plants off the wall using unique planters that can be hung like pieces of art. Doing this allows for beautiful plants in the home while keeping the floor space clean and uncluttered.

Consider Glass Terrariums

Glass terrariums have become incredibly popular with homeowners because they add visual impact to a space while allowing plants their own space in the home. These terrariums can be built for a specific space or purchased ready-made.

When looking at terrariums, buyers should look for local plants that help improve indoor air quality. Choosing terrariums that sit on the floor or on countertops can help fill floor space or leave valuable real estate open, as desired.

Commercial Environments

Commercial environments always run the risk of feeling sterile. Plants, when used properly, can make places of business more comfortable for employees and patrons. They can even make a space feel more modern when utilized correctly.

Walkway Planters

In a commercial environment, using large planters to create walkways can make a safer space with better air quality. Adding large planters also allows business owners to use plants to provide color and life to what might otherwise be a dull, utilitarian space.

Green planters made from materials like bamboo, as well as planters in glass or cement, are ideal in modern spaces.

Utilizing Trees

In commercial spaces, large trees improve air quality and make a bold visual impact. Trees can be used to create walkways, separate seating areas and to line corridors.

Interior Landscapes Near Miami, FL

Contact Plant Professionals to learn more about interior plant design and how plants can beautify any space. From large homes to small businesses, an indoor plant arrangement can make a big difference in comfort, air quality and décor.

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