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Front Yard Landscaping: Different Pathway Ideas

An elegantly designed walkway in a front yard

One of the finishing touches that can make a house a home is attractive landscaping. Not only does it up the curb appeal, but landscaping also adds character and interest to your home. An easy way to instantly add style and personality to your house is to install landscape pathways.

What’s great about pathways is that they fuse character and function together. A well-designed pathway can be arranged in a myriad of different styles depending on your personal aesthetic, material choice, and budget. Here are some ideas to turn your front yard into a masterpiece.


Interesting Pathway Designs

The possibilities are endless when designing pathways. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

Making Decisions

Before you begin any landscape pathways projects, there are a few decisions you’ll need to make. First off, any designs you may be considering should complement the style of your home. A Mediterranean style walkway leading to an English cottage might clash.

Choosing Your Materials

Your materials will be determined by your budget, design specifications, and personal aesthetic. For example, if you need to have your pathway solid to help people easily access your front door, concrete may be the way to go. The concrete walkway cost is typically between $6 to $12 per square foot but can be more if you get an elaborate decorative finish.

Flagstone is another option particularly if you want a patchwork or stepping stone design. The flagstone walkway cost is a bit more than concrete. You’re looking at anywhere between $15 to $20 per square foot.

While concrete and flagstone are arguably the most popular materials, gravel and brick are other popular options. Whatever material you end up going with, make sure before you buy that your material fits in with the rest of your home’s landscape aesthetic.


Decorative Flourishes

Once you have the shape of your pathway configured, add some flourishes that make the walkway uniquely yours. Some of the best little touches you can add include:

Get an Estimate for Your Walkway in

If you’re interested in adding landscape pathways to your property, get in touch with Plant Professionals. We are experts in both residential and commercial landscape design and can work with you to craft the pathway of your dreams. Contact us today to discuss your project and get a free estimate.



Image: Shutterstock